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Larger Focus On Smaller Screens

Over the years, I’ve transitioned from large TVs to medium-sized laptops and then to small mobile phones in order to watch my favorite programming. I watch videos on my phone

By: Christine Guo, 2015 Marketing Intern

Over the years, I’ve transitioned from large TVs to medium-sized laptops and then to small mobile phones in order to watch my favorite programming. I watch videos on my phone even when I have access to a bigger screen. I represent a vast majority of millennials that choose to stream content over their phone.

I remember visiting the Apple store a week before freshman year to purchase a brand new MacBook. Like me, most millennials bought their laptop when they went off to college. My laptop has naturally gotten slower over time, enduring its fair share of Netflix marathons and all-nighters. However, spending money on a new laptop is the least of my priorities. Millennials are more likely to spend money on experiences rather than tangible things and buying a new, speedy laptop isn’t something we find necessary anymore. Although millennials have a laptop and other digital devices at work, we enjoy using faster, newer handheld devices on-the-go and at home. This is a major reason why 2014 was the first year that time spent on mobile devices surpassed that spent on desktops, with 442B minutes on mobile devices versus 429B minutes on desktops (eMarketer).

Even though our phones are getting more attention, it’s often divided. At both work and home, millennials are likely to exhibit simultaneous screen usage. We are more likely to go on social networking sites, shop online, or surf the internet on our mobile devices while watching TV (eMarketer). We like to feel connected, and the more options to tune in, the better.

We will surely see a bigger focus on mobile-friendly applications as more people rely on their phones. That is, until a smaller screen comes along.


eMarketer, 2014