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Local Ads + National Mags = Ironclad Print Advertising Results

In an industry where efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement are incredibly valuable, it’s important to show our clients the impact of their spot market magazine campaigns. We deliver national magazines—grouped into

In an industry where efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement are incredibly valuable, it’s important to show our clients the impact of their spot market magazine campaigns. We deliver national magazines—grouped into related networks or via custom packages—to local markets, to activate consumers at the local level.

Iron Clad

One effective method is copy splitting – where an advertiser will publish different variations of an advertisement to better gauge its performance.

For years we’ve provided our clients with copy splitting, free of charge, so they can customize their creative by market. They can tag local retailers, like Stop & Shop or Target, or call out the local market in their creative, like specific dealerships or stores. We’ve done copy splits many ways, for many clients, and to achieve different goals. The variable creative always seems to be captivating and engaging. But we wondered, as all marketers do: is it really?

That’s where our partnership with Harvey Research comes in. Harvey Research specializes in advertising research, and has been a collaborative partner to MNI Targeted Media Inc. for several years. For our clients, Harvey Research designs custom studies to measure ad recall, engagement, audience demographics, or creative preference in the spot markets their ad is running.


What have we learned through these studies? We know that local ads in national mags have power. According to a recent study we did with Harvey Research on behalf of a client, 71% agree that they are more likely to recall a local ad in a national publication. Furthermore, trusted editorial has a positive influence on credibility—the halo effect—which extends to the ads inside. More than 60% of readers agree that the credibility of a national magazine is transferred to the advertiser.

The proof is in the data – local ads in national mags really work!